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Or scroll down for The Great Smashing Pumpkins Trivia Quiz
Below is 100 of the hardest Smashing Pumpkins Trivia questions I could come up with.
1st place:
- The End Is The Beginning Is The End import single
- Video Tape of all 12 Smashing Pumpkins videos + 3 live performances
If you are the 1st place winner & already have either of these prizes, I'll choose an alternate prize for you.
2nd place:
- Starjob, the new EP by the Frogs, produce by Billy Corgan (under a different name.)
3rd place:
- Choice of any bootleg on audio tape (See XSpaceboy1's SP Bootleg Page for a list of available tapes.)
When the deadline, (originally Sept. 15, has been extended for a little while), is up, all the answers to these questions will be given. If you submit answers to me, I can tell you how many you got right, but I can not tell you which ones were right.
About sending in your answers:
Send all the answers you could come up with on 1 e-mail to
For each answer that you give, you should also quote the question & the question number. Please do not quote questions that you don't have an answer for.
The deadline for entries may be changed, depending on how small or big of a response I get to this.
Some of the questions may change: Some may be taken out, some may be added, some I may add hints to, some I may just change the wording. Always use the most current question list on this page (for those of you saving it to a text file.)
I may change the prizes. I will probably only do this if I can't get the equipment to dub the video tape. In that case, I will offer something else in it's place.
Good Luck !
1) What are one of the few dates in the Smashing Pumpkins history that they played a show on
one of the member's birthdays? HINT: 6/9/92 is not a valid answer.
2) What are the dates of the 2 known times that Daydream has been performed live?
3) What is the actual date of the video taped Smashing Pumpkins show that claims to be an
8/12/91 show?
4) What is the only Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness video where Billy Corgan still has
Siamese Dream era hair?
5) Which Smashing Pumpkins video is Jonathan Melvoin in?
6) Which Smashing Pumpkins video did Kevin Kerslake direct?
7) What are the names of all 12 songs that the Smashing Pumpkins have made a video for?
HINT: There is NOT a video for Luna; whoever posted the message to the Siamese Dreamers
mailing list saying there is a video for Luna is wrong.
8) What is the name of the man that made the movie that the Tonight, Tonight video was
modeled after? HINT: The boat.
9) In which Catherine video does D'arcy star?
10) What song by the Beatles did Jimmy Chamberlin & Pearl Jam cover in 1992?
11) What Marilyn Manson song did Smashing Pumpkins cover in Miami, Florida?
12) What is the name of the girl that the song Starla was named after?
13) What rare song played at a Double Doors show do the following lyrics come from: "truth is
rare, this I believe, the truth is in their pure deceit, blessed in your naivete"?
14) How many times is the Doom explosion heard in Where Boys Fear To Tread?
15) What is the only official release that the Smashing Pumpkins singing Rudolph The Red
Nosed Reindeer can be found on?
16) What is the name of the song that Embryonic is an instrumental version of?
17) What are the 2 songs found on the MCIS triple vinyl but not on the the MCIS double CD?
18) What are at least 10 songs that James Iha has either written or co-written?
19) The lyrics to what song can be found in the liner booklet for the Lull EP? HINT: It's not one of
the songs on the Lull EP.
20) On what official release is Honey Spider II found?
21) What song from Siamese Dream can be found live on NME Brat Pack 1994?
22) What is the full title of the release that Ascendo is found on? HINT: The *full* title is more
than 3 words.
23) In the song Said Sadly who is the female vocalist & what group is she from?
24) Who plays drums on Blew Away?
25) Who plays guitar on The Last Song?
26) On what Siamese Dream single is there a karaoke version of the Star Spangled Banner?
HINT: It's a hidden track.
27) What was the first song recorded for Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness?
28) What are the 2 incorrect titles that Terrapin is listed as on bootlegs?
29) What are at least 2 songs found on Pastichio Medley that have full versions available either
on bootlegs or official releases?
30) What 4 songs were cut off of the Black Sessions bootleg that were played on 6/29/93 in
Studio 10S, Paris, France?
31) The song known as Strolling (or Fools We Are) is rumored to be the demo of what Mellon
Collie song?
32) What are at least 9 songs heard in Vieuphoria not found on Siamese Dream? HINT: Go
beyond the song list on the back of the video cover & even beyond the Earphoria tracklist.
33) What are the 5 songs that "June" is mentioned in?
34) What High School did D'arcy Wretzky attend?
35) What High School did James Iha attend?
36) What High School did Billy Corgan attend?
37) What High School did Jimmy Chamberlin attend?
38) What is the astrological sign of Billy Corgan?
39) What is the astrological sign of D'arcy Wretzky?
40) What is the astrological sign of James Iha?
41) At what club did Billy Corgan first meet D'arcy?
42) What Pennsylvania theme park did Smashing Pumpkins play in in 1991?
43) What is the first name of the person who introduce Billy Corgan to James Iha?
44) What is the venue of the first show the Smashing Pumpkins played in when it was just Billy
Corgan & James Iha?
45) What is the venue of the first show the Smashing Pumpkins played in when it was just Billy
Corgan, James Iha, & D'arcy Wretzky?
46) What is the venue of the first show the Smashing Pumpkins played in when it was Billy
Corgan, James Iha, D'arcy Wretzky, & Jimmy Chamberlin? HINT: Many people are getting this
wrong because they are only putting the partial name of this venue. It's 2 words, not 1.
47) What is the venue of the first show the Smashing Pumpkins played in when it was Billy
Corgan, James Iha, D'arcy Wretzky, & Matt Walker? HINT: Many people are getting this wrong
because they are only putting the partial name of this venue. It's 2 words, not 1.
48) What is the name of a venue that Smashing Pumpkins played at while touring for Mellon
Collie And The Infinite Sadness that is also the name of a song found on one of their earlier
49) In what city did Smashing Pumpkins play their first show outside of Chicago?
50) In what city did Smashing Pumpkins play their first show outside of Illinois?
51) In what city did Smashing Pumpkins play their first show outside of the USA?
52) In what city did Smashing Pumpkins play their first show outside of North America?
53) Where were Smashing Pumpkins when Jimmy Frog & Billy Corgan played Landslide
54) Where were Smashing Pumpkins when Billy Corgan talked about being molested by Big
55) What name is written on the back of Billy Corgan's 666 shirt?
56) What are the names of Billy Corgan's 3 brothers?
57) What is Billy's stepmother's name?
58) Why is Billy Corgan often seen wearing long sleeve shirts?
59) What colors are Billy Corgan's house?
60) What are the names of Billy Corgan's two cats?
61) Under what name did Billy Corgan produce The Frogs new EP, Starjob?
62) What does the bumper sticker on Billy Corgan's guitar say? HINT: Watch Vieuphoria.
63) What are the first names of D'arcy's 2 sisters?
64) What is D'arcy's favorite bass?
65) What is James Iha's middle name by birth? HINT: Jonas Jaded is not his middle name *by
66) Since what year has James had his dog, Bugg Superstar?
67) What are 7 of Jimmy Chamberlin's former bands?
68) Who took over Jimmy Chamberlin's position in Smashing Pumpkins after Jimmy was fired?
69) Who took over Jonathan Melvoin's position as the touring keyboardist after he died?
70) What is the form of heroin that Jonathan Melvoin died of?
71) Who is the only permanent member of the Starchildren?
72) What was the lineup for the Starchildren show in 1994 at the Double Doors venue?
73) What is the name of the song that was an early version of Here Is No Why which was was
performed by the Starchildren in 1994 at the Double Doors venue?
74) Who played bass for the 1990 Starchildren show at the Chicago Metro?
75) What are the first & last names of all 6 co-owners of Scratchie Records?
76) What are the names of at least 10 of the artists signed with scratchie Records?
77) What award did Smashing Pumpkins lose to Bush at the 1996 MTV Video Music Awards?
78) Who are the 2 people who have done the remixes for 1979 that are on the 1979 Mixes CD?
79) What was the working title for Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness?
80) What is the release date of Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness?
81) What are the 9 songs in The Aeroplane Flies High box set that don't have a page in the
booklet for this box set?
82) On the cover of which Smashing Pumpkins single are D'arcy's sisters?
83) What is the only official release Siamese Dream, the song, can be found on?
84) Which bootleg with the Kiss The Stone label can Billy be heard singing "we want to turn you
on" instead of "I want to turn you on" for Today? HINT: The Greatest Day is not on the Kiss The
Stone label.
85) What are 7 Smashing Pumpkins bootlegs with the Kiss The Stone label?
86) Tea Time is found on what? HINT: Not Vieuphoria
87) In what 3 countries has the single for The End Is The Beginning Is The End been made?
88) How was a release of Pisces Iscariot mis-titled which caused it to be recalled?
89) What is the ID# for the Muzzle promo?
90) What is the ID# for the Siamese Singles box set?
91) The US Release of Pisces Iscariot 12" with free 7" Single was limited to how many?
92) What 5 soundtracks have Smashing Pumpkins or members (current or former) of Smashing
Pumpkins made songs for? HINT: Earphoria & Billy, Don't Be A Hero are not valid answers.
93) Who performed a song with Smashing Pumpkins on Sweet Relief II: The Gravity Of The
94) What are at least 3 groups Smashing Pumpkins have opened for?
95) What are at least 10 groups that have opened for Smashing Pumpkins?
96) What were the 2 rules for the on-stage 1979 dancers during the Infinite Sadness Tour?
97) What was the name the Smashing Pumpkins went under at their most recent Double Doors
98) Who is the owner of Luna, the website?
99) Who is the owner of the Burlap website?
100) Who is the owner of Listessa? HINT: Not the Listessa homepage, but the actual newsletter.
How has Smashing Pumpkins affected your life?
Send all essays to
This essay question was inspired by the Melvoin chat on AOL. This chat was on the 1 year anniversary of Jonathan Melvoin's death. During this chat many people shared their stories of how Smashing Pumpkins have had an effect on their lives. This is your chance to share your story & you can also win prizes for it.
The deadline for submitting an entry is September 15, 1997. I will judge each entry & decide myself which is the best one. The winner will get the following:
- A customized Smashing Pumpkins tape (See XSpaceboy1's SP Bootleg Page for details or SP Filler Songs Page for a list of available songs.)
- Choice of any bootleg on audio tape (See XSpaceboy1's SP Bootleg Page for a list of available tapes.)
I haven't decided yet, but I may post the winning entry here after the deadline. I also may use some of the entries in a new web page I am planning on making. However, if you do not want anyone but me reading your entry, don't worry, because I will ask permission before I use any entries on any of my web pages.